Essentials of Management Information Systems (GE) 11-e熱賣好物

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內容簡介: 1.Applying Chapter Concepts to the Real World:Management Decision Problems.
Two new Management Decision Problems are included per chapter in this edition. These problems teach students how to apply chapter concepts to real-world business scenarios, helping them strengthen their analytical and decision-making skills.
2.Working Together: Collaboration and Teamwork Projects.
Each chapter features a collaborative project that encourages students working in teams to use Google sites, Google Docs, and other open-source collaboration tools. Understanding the Connections Between Information Systems and Business: Business Driven Real-World Examples. This text helps students see the direct connection between information systems and business performance by offering a variety of real-world examples from business and public organizations.

博客來網路書局3.Getting Hands-On Experience: MIS-Related Business Activities.
There is no better way to learn about MIS than by doing MIS! The authors provide hands-on projects where students can work with real-world business scenarios and data, learning first-hand what MIS is all about.

4.Integrating Material with AACSB Learning Objectives.
博客來網路書店In this text, the authors support AACSB efforts to encourage assessment-based education. The front-end papers of this edition identify students’ learning objectives and anticipated outcomes for Hands-On MIS projects.

Essentials of Management Information Systems (GE) 11-e熱賣好物 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/11/05
  • 語言:英文

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